Emancipation Day

Today, August 1, is Emancipation Day, as formally designated by Canada's House of Commons, marking "the actual day in 1834 that the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 came into effect across the British Empire".

The government's website commemorating Emancipation Day notes that "Canadians are not always aware that Black and Indigenous Peoples were once enslaved on the land that is now Canada. Those who fought enslavement were pivotal in shaping our society to be as diverse as it is today."

Many may also be unaware that the Christian community was a leading force in the fight for abolition, led by parliamentarian William Wilberforce. Wilberforce's tireless efforts, along with those of his fellow Christian advocates, were instrumental in transforming societal attitudes and ultimately securing the passage of the Slavery Abolition Act, which abolished slavery in Canada, and the rest of the British Empire.

Wilberforce saw his advocacy as a manifestation of his Christian faith, as detailed by in a 2020 article for the Christian Legal Journal (which you can read here).

Of course, the abolition of slavery did not mark the end of human rights abuses, and many injustices persist to this day. For example, modern day slavery in the form of human trafficking remains a serious problem in Canada and around the world.

We are grateful for your support of our efforts to combat these injustices, and are reminded on days like today of the importance of advocating for the inherent dignity of every member of the human family, created in the image of God.